1. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan
hak kekayaan intelektual?
Hak kekayaan
intelektual, disingkat “HKI” atau akronim ”, adalah padanan kata yang biasa
digunakan untuk Intellectual rty Rights (IPR), yakni hak yang timbul bagi hasil
olah pikir yang menghasilkan suatu produk atau proses yang berguna manusia.
Pada intinya HKI adalah hak untuk menikmati ekonomis hasil dari suatu
kreativitas intelektual. Objek yang dalam HKI adalah karya-karya yang timbul
atau lahir karena npuan intelektual manusia
2. Mencakup apa sajakah HKI
Hakcipta (copyright); Hak kekayaan industri (industrial
property right) yang mencakup :Paten (patent);Desain industri (industrial
design);Merek (trademark);Penanggulangan praktik persaingan curang (repression of unfair competition);Desain tata letak sirkuit terpadu (layout design of integrated circuit);Rahasia dagang (trade secret).
Menurut Kamil Idris, Direktur Jenderal World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Intellectual Property, terdki atas :
1. Literary, artistic and scientific works
2. Performances of performing artists, phonograms, and broadcasts
3. Inventions in all fields of human endeavor
4. Scientific discoveries
5. Industrial designs
6. Marks and commercial names and designations
7. Protection against unfair competition
8. All other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the
industrial, scientific, literary, and artistic fields.
Several international treaties concluded since 1967, notably the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), further clarified and elaborated new types of intellectual property, for example, the design of integrated circuits, based on earlier work undertaken by WIPO. This trend shows the dynamic nature of IP in response to technological and cultural developments concerning, for example, computer hardware and software, digital communications, the Internet, and genomics.
The areas mentioned under (1) belong to the "copyright" branch and under (2) to the "related rights" branch of intellectual property. The areas under (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) constitute the industrial property branch of IP.